What can you do when Google is taking over the Search Engine Results? (SERPS). In this podcast we cover the answer to how small business owners and entrepreneurs can stay relevant in an every changing search world.
Show notes for 4rd Marketing Podcast
- Pay Attention
- Get on Google (Google My Business)
- Local SEO Guide Link
- Get Really Specific – “The Riches Are In The Niches” – Niches can be “type” or “location” based. Example: Real Estate Agent – Type: Commercial or Location: Neighborhood (Midtown Atlanta)
- Be Unique – People want to work with those they like, know and trust but all things being equal, they want to work with those that are passionate about their profession.
- Create Unique Content – Don’t just target keywords, write about what inspires you
- Create content for your Tribe.
- Reference to Tribes By Seth Godin.
- Roll with the changes