In today’s episode we learn about Robert Indries, the CMO of DG Studios. Born in Transylvania, Robert has earned a BA in Civil Engineering and an MA in IT Project Management and has a decade of experience in sales and marketing. Robert generates over $20,000,000 USD in leads yearly, amongst other tangible results. He has personally hired, trained and managed 100+ personnel for both business and non-profits. During his career, the teams he managed and businesses he’s grown have won various awards and have been featured in magazines, newspapers and on national television.
You’ll have to listen to this week’s podcast to get the full details but here’s the key points.
- Robert started with humble beginnings and a child-like curiosity. This is key to being successful.
- Event (gatherings, aka networking – check out our episode about that) is a powerful lead generation tool
- For some business, creating events for their customers represents a HUGE opportunity
- Nothing beats Face To Face or
- .)(. – If you’re here just to figure out what this is – it’s belly to belly. An old school reference for sales. As in the best sales process is belly to belly.
- Don’t let pride creep into your thought process, starting a new business is tough no matter the industry
- Don’t let lack of knowledge stop you however, team up with industry experts
To catch up with Robert, visit him at DG Studios.