You might be wondering what a Digital Marketing podcast has to do with online security. What part of security is SEO, SEM or anything in between. The reality of it is that for all businesses you need to have a look at your security, not just because it’s the right thing to do. In fact, security plays a big role in SEO now as Google (for some time) has been saying some websites with forms on them are hazardous!
On top of that the online world is on fire thanks to Europeans being concerned about their privacy. If you haven’t heard about GDPR yet, you will.
GDPR stands for the general data protection regulation. For those that don’t know it basically says you aren’t going to misuse or abuse European customer data or else you’ll pay. Similar to CAN SPAM, as business owners we have to make changes because although highly unlikely, any fine associated with this could be deadly.
However, more important in my mind is the security shift that is now present on the internet. Google now lables sites without HTTPS as hazardous. Not only will Google start pushing you down in the results in favor of https sites but imagine how low your click through rate is.
Here’s a few tips to get compliant, protect yourself and your customers and help with your overall SEO strategy.
- Change your Login Url – There is a plugin for that. Most hackers know the wp-admin login. So they can try to login this way.
- Two Step Authentication – This is really annoying, because it requires the system to double verify you are you. However, it’s also a great way to keep your site from being hijacked or hacked. If you deal with money on the site, I’d implement this!
- SSL (aka HTTPS) – this starts off feeling complicated but you again you can use plugins or a free service like Cloudflare. Your webhost likely has a detailed tutorial on how to do this.
- Backup, Backup, Backup – I use Updraft for my clients, but please back up your site. You never know when you need it, whether it’s due to a change you made or perhaps a hack.
- Update Your WordPress Site – The number 1 way hackers get in, is through un-upadated wordpress sites that have exploits.
Two Good Plugins For Security
For compliance:
- Update your Privacy Statement
- Delete sensitive customer data. Keep the name and email but delete anything you really don’t need.
- Update your cookie disclosure.