Today we cover Linkedin, quite possibly the most overlooked yet most powerful social network on the planet. Many businesses overlook this marketing channel or abuse it and yet the entire network was created just for businesses to do business with each other. In this episode we cover how to optimize your profile so that your target customers can find you!
Do The Research First!
Before you optimize anything you need to know what your target customer is! I can’t stress this enough. LinkedIn has a search function that is similar (but different) to Google. Since it’s basically a search engine you’ll need to use a little SEO. So you’ll need to use keywords. In fact, there’s so much similarity to setting up your profile to be found by your customers as you would your resume for a job, that I’m including this link to my skillshare course on that very subject.
Optimize for Humans First & Robots Second
As you start this process you’ll be tempted to try to keywords stuff or make up things for your profile. Don’t! Treat this like you would your real life resume and then go back and change words to match your audience. A good example of this is when you do something like, “led total sales volume for the office 5 of the last 6 years” and change it to “Top Outreach and Growth Sales Leader for 5 of the last 6 years” – if you were shooting for an outreach or growth role for example. This is the same tactics that you should use to do all your content marketing.
Use The Extra Options Like “Volunteer”
I highly recommend that you be honest here. If you volunteer somewhere though it might give you an unexpected opportunity to be able to insert your keyword yet again on your profile. Again, assume that a human will read it instead of stuffing the keywords in there. On my profile, I have the following example. Notice that at the time I was trying to “rank” for real estate and Atlanta.
Post Content
You should be posting your blog content or thoughts to Linkedin. However, don’t simply copy and paste. What you want to do is leave part of it out and link. See the image below, I did copy and paste but then I made sure I linked to the rest of the post.
Join Groups on Linkedin
If you want to grow your connections you need to invite your friends and join groups. Look for groups from your college, from your profession and from your target audience. Also look for groups that use the acronym L.I.O.N. which stands for LinkedIn Open Networker. Often these groups can help you grow your connections by the 100’s if not 1,000’s.
Bonus Tip: Finding Customer’s Groups
If you don’t know which group your customers are in but want some help figuring it out. Find one type of customer and just look at the groups they are in. Then you can check out the groups, the number of followers in that group and just go and join (or apply to join) the groups.
LinkedIn has a lot of great features and this just covered the profile. The ads platform is quite good and the engagement around video content on the linkedin feed is pretty amazing as well! Just too many things to brag about linkedin for to cover. Part of the podcast we mentioned a killer growth hacking strategy and I am not letting you down it’s pretty amazing. Once you learn this relatively simple hack you’ll be able to grow your customer list to the 1,000’s seemingly overnight.