9 Tips To Generate Leads W/ LinkedIn’s New Changes

We covered how to generate leads with LinkedIn before and literally 2 weeks later they made changes.  These changes don’t make the tactics we discussed any less relevant but they will require you to update your linkedin profile.  Spoiler Alert!  That’s one of the tips!  Updating your profile sends out a “signal” to your contacts and you should do it often. You’ll have to listen to the 9 Tips To Generate Leads W/ LinkedIn’s New Changes get the other 8 tips!

linkedinchanges 1The 9 Tips To Generate Leads W/ LinkedIn’s New Changes are small but important changes and it’s worthwhile to go into a little bit of detail to help you with these.

The big thing is that LinkedIn changed the position of the picture, as well as the headline, and the summary.  Basically everything above the fold was changed,so that drives our tips.

  1. Update Your Background Image – ProTip – Add a call to action
  2. Update your Headline
  3. Update that Summary and add a link to it.  ProTip – Updates update to your network!
  4. You Can Now Add 6 Media Links to websites, podcasts, videos and more.
  5. Video is now native to Company Pages
  6. Hashtags are in on Linkedin – so like our Instagram show, use em, also use the full 1300 characters if you can.
  7. Promot those videos.  Right now it’s cheaper than normal.
  8. Gif Intergration – This can be cool, but be just remember your audience.
  9. Beacon! – If you have the LinkedIn App, you can turn this on when you are “in-person” networking!


Picture of Joshua Jarvis

Joshua Jarvis

Joshua has started and sold several businesses over 15 years. Recently he left a 15-year career in real estate as a business owner to pursue my dream of writing and helping business owners grow their own dream.

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