We take a deep dive into SEO and talk very specifically about the 9 Essential Components Of SEO. Essentially, what it takes to create a successful piece of content. Specifically what attributes are required to rank. From the Title to the Links in the page, everything can be optimized but the key is to not over-optimize.
Show Notes from 9 Key Components Of SEO
This Real Estate SEO Guide talks about going after niches. If you remember last week’s episode talked about site structure and silos, so your niches can be your “silos.”
You might ask yourself why we are starting at beginner SEO level. The reason comes from the common mistakes that people make with SEO (previous episode). Clearly we need to start with the fundamentals.
Example of Keyword Abuse:
9. URL Structure
Don’t overthink this. Just the Use a keyword topic, shorter the better. Ideally, it has your topic in it. I used the example for this page (the one you’re reading) for the what to do.
One thing not mentioned in the show is that the closer you can make your url to what is actually in the page, the better. It will help with your click-through-rate.
For example: domain.com/p1244 is less likely to be clicked than domain.com/keyword
8. Title
65-75 Words, Must be clickable!
7. H1, H2 Tags
Use them, let it make sense, think about your college or high school English class paper. Use headers as “sections.”
6. Image Alt Tags
Again, you can use your keyword here, but try to have an image of the actual topic.
5. Meta Description
160 Characters – It’s your basic pitch to get the user to click. Your meta description is your description of what your blog is about to Google and the would be “searcher.”
To Be Continued